Oct ’17
I honestly wasn’t 100% sure control would work that way. :smiley:

Yeah, filters are great! A quick rundown:
You have a hpf, lpf, and bpf.
hpf is a high pass filter, it will remove frequencies below the cutoff while keeping frequencies above.
lpf is a low pass filter, the knob twiddler’s bread and butter. It will cut frequencies above the cutoff while allowing ones below.
bpf is a band pass filter. Frequencies above and below the cutoff will be removed and frequencies near the cutoff will be kept.
All of these filters have an “r” version, for instance :rlpf . The R stands for resonant, meaning that the cutoff will have a steeper slope that can be controlled, emphasizing nearby frequencies. At extreme levels, the filter can itself resonate create a sine wave at the cutoff level. Great for carving a flute sound out of noise.
Finally, all of these have an “n” variation, which stands for Normalized. I haven’t actually thought to use these, but should. These add a normalizer to the effect so that cutting frequencies doesn’t make the sound too quiet to hear.

I just recently got a Korg Monolgue, the kick and snare are very similar to how I do it there. I only have a LPF on it, so I do my hihats with resonance and modulation, rather than throwing a HPF over noise.

Certainly! To get started, I’d suggest playing around with the tb303 for a while. It’s perfect for easing into a LPF over resonant waveforms. You’ll hear a lot of variance in Squares and Saws, but none with a sine wave. Tutorial A5 will help you out a lot with that. From there, apply what you learn about the 303 filter to an LPF plugin. I should also mention Wobble and IXITechno. Eventually, you’ll realize that you wish you could just sweep back and forth on the cutoff and both of these plugins will help you to achieve that.